As we all know we are in a crisis because this virus is affecting the entire world. In the midst of all this the local church remains in silent prayer. Wherever your find yourself, please raise a prayer for humanity, so that this evil ceases and the Lord brings peace and well-being to our families. We also want to remind you that the church remains open for contemplative prayer with the Blessed Sacrament and where a basket is placed for your tithing. Remember that we do not have the Sunday collections and the church continues to maintain expenses. We know that we are in critical times but it is the best moment to remind ourselves that God’s house is our home and our responsibility. Parishioners who are unable to come to church to bring their tith- ing can call the parish office at 212-862-4380 and we will pick it up at your home. May God bless you and protect you always. Thank you for your understanding.